Referee Team confirmation for 2019 ITTF-Africa Cup

Dear Mr President,
Following the request received from your association, I write to confirm that the URC agrees with the recommended referee team for the 2019 ITTF-Africa Cup to be held from 03 to 05 August 2019.
For the record, the referee team is:
Referee: Rodrique Volkwyn (RSA)
Deputy Referee: Abdallah Boudjahem (ALG)
Assistant Referee: John Peters (NGR)
Please note that the responsibility lies with you as the organizer to ensure that the referees are available as well as to consult the relevant national associations. Please also ensure that adequate travel and medical insurance for the referee team is in place either through the association, organizes or individual.
Please note that with effect from 1 January 2013, the organizers are responsible for the travel costs for the referee team.
Should your event be scheduled for racket testing, a trained member of the referee team delegated by the referee must take on this responsibility and you should prepare the racket control center as required.
Please could you also ensure that the referee makes contact with the competition manager as soon as possible?
I thank you for your cooperation and wish you a successful event.
Yours sincerely,
Emese Barsai
Program Manager