Established in senior team but Halmstad a whole new experience

On duty for South Africa on home soil at the Sun International 2016 World Junior Championships in Cape Town, Simeen Mookrey has now established herself as a member of the Women’s National Team.

Recently alongside Musfiquh Kalan and Danisha Patel she was in action at the Liebherr 2018 World Team Championships in Halmstad, Sweden.

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Simeen Mookrey in action in Halmstad (Photo: Daniel Börjesson) by Olalekan Okusan, ITTF-Africa Press Officer

Simeen Mookrey is confident, she believes in herself; she has dreams of becoming one of the top players in Africa. She is of the opinion that she has what it takes to pursue her dream, particularly with the enormous support she continues to receive from her parents.

“Being in South Africa, it is very difficult to improve and go to the next level, because table tennis isn’t a big sport. We do not have permanent venues to train or coaches of a high level. So after this year I’ll be done with my schooling and hope to go to Europe and get the proper training that I need to improve. I know that it will not be easy and it will take lots of hard work and sacrifice but I’m willing to do it because I love table tennis. My aim is to be amongst the top five female players in Africa and with hard work I know that it is possible. From there I will try and get even better.”

Simeen Mookrey Undoubtedly, competing in Halmstad has proved a major source of motivation.

“The World Championships was a wonderful first experience and good exposure for me, just by being there and playing so many matches against different countries and so many different styles of play. It was exactly what I needed especially since I don’t play in that many international tournaments and am not exposed to different types of players. I played many good players; there were also many tight matches that I could have won but because of lack of experience I couldn’t pull through.”

Simeen Mookrey Similar to all aspiring young players, the Liebherr 2018 World Team Championships was a step higher for Simeen Mookrey. “Even though I have been to a World Junior Championship which was in Cape Town, this was just a whole different experience of table tennis. It was a really big event with so many participants. It was a really good experience to be surrounded by so many top players in the world and to get to watch how they play. Everything was well planned, scheduled and very professional, something that Africa should learn from. As someone who loves table tennis, it was an amazing opportunity to experience all of that and see the best of the best in Sweden.” Simeen Mookrey

Later this month, Simeen Mookrey is hoping to claim success at the South African Junior and Senior Open.

“I have the South Africa Junior and Senior Open this month and then also I hope I’ll be able to go to the Nigeria Open and Senior African Championship in Mauritius later in the year.” Simeen Mookrey A busy schedule ahead and for South Africa, could Simeen Mookrey be a player to set an example others may follow and for her country increase interest in the sport of table tennis?